Made in Sicily - "The rural development policy in the framework of the CAP: increasingly integrated strategies to ensure an overall development of rural areas"

Saturday, 2/02
Teleotto - 15.15 hours

Sunday, 3/02
Telesud - hours 7,00-7,30-8,00
Video Sicily - 13.00
TRC - 16.00 hours
Teleotto - 20.30 hours
TVT - 22.00 hours

Wednesday, 6 / 02
TSE - 18.00 hours

Thursday, 7 / 02
Telerent - 12.45 hours
TRC - 21.00 hours
Video Sicily - 21.00 hours

Friday, 8 / 02
Teleotto - 22.15 hours
TVT - 21.29 hours

Saturday 9 / 02
Teleotto hours 15.15

Sunday 10/02
Telesud - hours 7,00-7,30-8,00
Video Sicily - 13.00
TRC - 16.00 hours
Teleotto - 20.30 hours
TVT - 22.00 hours

Wednesday, 13/02
TSE - 18.00 hours

Thursday, 14/02
Telerent - 12.45 hours
TRC - 21.00 hours
Video Sicily - 21.00 hours

Friday 15/02
Teleotto - 22.15 hours
TVT - 21.29 hours

Saturday 16/02
Teleotto - 15.15 hours

Sunday 17/02
Telesud - hours 7,00-7,30-8,00
Video Sicily - 13.00
TRC - 16.00 hours
Teleotto - 20.30 hours
TVT - 22.00 hours

Made in Sicily - “Cross-compliance: a resource for market support in agriculture”

Wednesday, 19/03
TSE - 18.00 hours

Thursday, 20/03
Telerent - 12.45 hours
TRC - 21.00 hours
Video Sicily - 21.00 hours

Friday 21/03
Teleotto - 22.15 hours
TVT - 21.29 hours

Saturday 22/03
Teleotto hours 15.15

Sunday 23/03
Telesud - hours 7,00-7,30-8,00
Video Sicily - 13.00
TRC - 16.00 hours
Teleotto - 20.30 hours
TVT - 22.00 hours

Wednesday, 26/03
TSE - 18.00 hours

Thursday, 25/03
Telerent - 12.45 hours
TRC - 21.00 hours
Video Sicily - 21.00 hours

Friday 26/03
Teleotto - 22.15 hours
TVT - 21.29 hours

Saturday 27/03
Teleotto - 15.15 hours

Sunday 28/03
Telesud - hours 7,00-7,30-8,00
Video Sicily - 13.00
TRC - 16.00 hours
Teleotto - 20.30 hours
TVT - 22.00 hours

Wednesday, 26/03
TSE - 18.00 hours

Thursday, 27/03
Telerent - 12.45 hours
TRC - 21.00 hours
Video Sicily - 21.00 hours

Made in Sicily - “ Improving life standards in rural areas and diversification of rural economy: how the CAP can contribute to reach these goals ”

Thursday, 15/05
Telerent - 12.45 hours
TRC - 21.00 hours
Video Sicily - 21.00 hours

Friday 16/05
Teleotto - 22.15 hours
TVT - 21.29 hours

Saturday 17/05
Teleotto - 15.15 hours

Sunday 18/03
Telesud - hours 7,00-7,30-8,00
Video Sicily - 13.00
TRC - 16.00 hours
Teleotto - 20.30 hours
TVT - 22.00 hours

Wednesday, 21/05
TSE - 18.00 hours

Thursday, 22/05
Telerent - 12.45 hours
TRC - 21.00 hours
Video Sicily - 21.00 hours

Friday 23/05
Teleotto - 22.15 hours
TVT - 21.29 hours

Saturday 24/05
Teleotto - 15.15 hours

Sunday 25/03
Telesud - hours 7,00-7,30-8,00
Video Sicily - 13.00
TRC - 16.00 hours
Teleotto - 20.30 hours
TVT - 22.00 hours

Wednesday, 28/05
TSE - 18.00 hours

Thursday, 29/05
Telerent - 12.45 hours
TRC - 21.00 hours
Video Sicily - 21.00 hours

Friday 30/05
Teleotto - 22.15 hours
TVT - 21.29 hours

Saturday 31/05
Teleotto - 15.15 hours

Talk show

Monday, 21/04
TVT - 12.00 hours The talk show - dedicated to the presentation of the project and to the themes covered in the first event with the participation of foreign guests
Monday, 5/05
TVT - 12.00 hours The talk show - dedicated to the themes covered in the second and third event
Monday, 19/05
TVT - 12.00 hours The talk show - dedicated to the themes covered in the third event

Thursday , 28/05
TVT - 12.00 hours The talk show - dedicated to the theme of the general public on these issues and to "The new CAP AGRIBUSICILIA"

This measure has been funded by the European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development. The sole responsibility for the content and information of this measure lies on the author, therefore the European Commission is not responsible for their use.

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