Euromed Carrefour Sicilia is part of EUROPE DIRECT information relays that act as an interface between citizens and the Union at local level.

The mission of the network is to:

•  enable local citizens to obtain information, advice, assistance and answers to questions about the European Union's institutions, legislation, policies, programmes and funding opportunities;

•  actively promote local and regional debate about the European Union and its policies;

•  allow the European institutions to improve the dissemination of information tailored to local and regional needs;

•  give the public the opportunity to send feedback to the European Union institutions in the form of questions, opinions and suggestions.

Euromed Carrefour Sicilia has had about 8 years experience working in the same fields as part of the European Rural Carrefours network. We are then strongly rooted in the territory, both in urban and rural areas and in our work we will be supported by the House of Europe of Palermo and by the Presidency of the Sicilian Region and the Regional Board for Agriculture, which is co-financing the project.

In the past we have organised several multinational projects ( Europe for Citizens, PHARE, YOUTH, Town Twinning) and we have acquired the necessary experience to implement the actions of the project that we are presenting.

This measure has been funded by the European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development. The sole responsibility for the content and information of this measure lies on the author, therefore the European Commission is not responsible for their use.

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