22-23 April, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia, Via G. Marinuzzi n° 3, Palermo
“ Improvement of living conditions in rural areas and diversification of rural economies: how the CAP is contributing to the achievement of these objectives”

Pres. Euromed Carrefour Sicilia: Dott. Nino Tilotta
Assessorato Regionale Agricoltura Infrastructure Operations Department:
. Dario Cartabellotta – General Manager
European Commission Representation in Italy: Dr.ssa Elisabetta Olivi
AAFF, Dep. Speeches Infrastructure - Manager dell'UOB n.19 - Discount:Dott. Domenico Carta
AAFF, Dip. Interventi Infrastrutturali - Dir. IX Servizio – Economia e servizi rurali: Dott. Fabrizio Viola
AAFF, Dip. Interventi Infrastrutturali - Dir. Servizio X – LEADER: Dott. Giuseppe Spartà
Researcher Expert Rural Development INEA : Dott.ssa Serena Tarangioli

Expert model LEADER Antenna Europe Direct Molinos, Aragon, Spain: Dott. José Manuel Salvador Minguillon
Economics and Agricultural Policy, Polytechnic of Portalegre, Coordinator Europe Direct Alto Alentejo, Portugal: Prof. Ricardo Fereira
Professor and Researcher at the Faculty of Management in Agriculture at the University Banat-Timisoara (Romania); expert in rural development and consultant of the World Bank, FAO, and other major international bodies Prof. Cosmin Salasan
Expert rural development with particular reference to civil society organizations on the rural areas (NGOs, associations, etc.…) - Latvia: Dr.ssa Liene Feldmane
University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria: Prof.ssa Julia Markova Doitchinova

20 February, Experimental Institute Livestock for Sicily,Fondo Luparello, Palermo
“ Cross-compliance of aids in agriculture: a resource for the development of quality agriculture ”

Department Posts Infrastructure - Manager UOT 62: Dott. M. Macaluso

Regional Coordinator CAA-CIA: Dott. G. Scardino

Association Prov. Doctors in Agrarian Sciences Forestry in Palermo: Dott. P. Valentini

Coordinator of Analysis and Forecasts, Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food - Spain:
Dott. Ignacio Atance Muñiz

17 -18 December, Palermo Villa Malfitano
“ The rural development policy in the framework of the CAP: increasingly integrated strategies to ensure an overall development of rural areas ”

Assessorato Regionale Agricoltura Infrastructure Operations Department:
Dr . Dario Cartabellotta – General Manager

Assessorato Regionale Agricoltura: Dott . Gaetano Cimò

Assessore Regionale Agricoltura e Foreste : Prof. Giovanni La Via


Prof. Cosmin Salasan - Professor and Researcher at the Faculty of Management in Agriculture at the University Banat-Timisoara (Romania); expert in rural development and consultant of the World Bank, FAO, and other major international bodies

Dott. Javier Oquendo - President of Development Maestrazgo-Spain, l LEADER expert

Dr. Liene Feldmane - Expert rural development with particular reference to civil society organizations on the rural areas (NGOs, associations, etc.…) - Latvia

Dott. Nedka Ivanova - Lecturer at the department of agricultural policies of the University of National and World Economy-Sofia (Bulgaria)

Dott. Ricardo Fereira - Professor of Agricultural Economics and Policy at the Polytechnic of Portalegre and coordinator of Europe Direct Alto Alentejo-Portugal)

Prof. Mary Fazikova - Head of the Department of Regional Development of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Region of Nitra -consultant of the regional government (Slovakia)

This measure has been funded by the European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development. The sole responsibility for the content and information of this measure lies on the author, therefore the European Commission is not responsible for their use.

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