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“How the CAP takes the challenges of Lisbon strategies”

The annual programme is co-financed by the DG AGRI in the frame of the call for proposal 2006/C 236/07 about information actions on CAP and by the Regional Board for Agriculture in Sicily.

The annual contains the following actions:

Action 1
Palermo - December 2007
"The rural development policy in the framework of the CAP: increasingly integrated strategies to ensure an overall development of rural areas" - It will consist in a two days international seminar to be organised in Palermo with the participation of experts coming from Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Latvia, Portugal, Slovakia and Romania followed in videoconference by all the 14 rural districts of Sicily.

Support required to partners
Finding an expert, preferably coming from public sector or local development agencies, able to have a presentation in English in the seminar in Palermo about the mentioned topic. All costs will be covered by the project budget

Sending previously the expert's presentation in English

Finding of one or more journalist/local press agents working with the project press responsible to support the spreading of the information and results of the events in each territory .

Action 2
January 2008
Organisation of a videoconference “ Cross-compliance of aids in agriculture: a resource for the development of quality agriculture” to connect the 14 rural districts of Sicily and other rural areas in Italy, Spain, Latvia, Portugal, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Romania...

This measure has been funded by the European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development. The sole responsibility for the content and information of this measure lies on the author, therefore the European Commission is not responsible for their use.

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