quando si prepara

It is a traditional desert in Lent. It is a food with humble origin which saturates people early and don't need eat meat, food that can not be eaten in Lent. It was very popular because poor people could prepare it at home due to it is made with day-old bread

1 baguette.
1 litre of milk.
4 eggs.
2 cups of flour.
2 small glasses of sugar and 3 of oil.
1 stick of cinnamon and a spoonful powdered cinamon.


Boil the milk with cinnamon and lemon peel. Add four spoons of sugar. Cut the bread in slices two cm. thick. Once the milk is cold, add the slices of bread and soak them. When the slices are soft, after drining, pass themby flour and egg and fry them in hot and abundant oil till golden. Take them out and sprinkle them with sugar and powdered cinnamon. They can be served hot or cold, alone or with some cream, syrup or milk.

Its origin comes from convents.Torrijas, like Easter, represent the life and the death of Jesus. According to the catholic rite, the bread represents Christ's body who deads at this time. The milk and the eggs representsthe resurrection of Christ.

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