quando si prepara

Shrove Tuesday / Shrove-tide (Vastlapäev)
The Shrove Tuesday is in the Christian and Estonian folk calendar the last day before the seven-day Great Fast preceding the Easter. The ...>>


Butter 75g
Milk 3dl
Yeast 50g
Salt ½ sp
Sugar 1dl
Egg 1
Flour 9dl
Whipped cream
Powdered sugar


Melt butter and pour in milk. Warm up the mixture until it is hand-warm, ca 37*C. Take a cup, put in yeast with some sugar, mix it, until yeast melts. Then pour the melted yeast in the mixture of butter and milk, add salt, sugar and egg. Add flour and knead it with your hands or use a dough machine. The dough should be thick enough...>>


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