The organised civil society: role and tasks in an enlarged European Union

09 th April: Czech Centre, 11 Ion Ghica Str.

16.00 – 19.00 Citizenship and intercultural dialogue in the enlarged Europe

Moderator Lorita Constantinescu , Board Member CSDF

•  Giaovani Luca D'Alia, Euromed Carrefour Sicilia - “Europe for Citizens Programme – a new instrument to promote active European citizenship”

•  Vladimir Simon, Director, Consultancy Center for European Cultural Programmes – “The intercultural dialogue – a way to define the European identity”

•  Monica Stepanova, Director, Czech Centre, “

•  Ciprian Ciucu, PR Marketing Coordinator CSDF, “Interculturality in Romania – Contribution of Civil Society”

10 th April: Uzin Export Building, 8 Iancu de Hunedoara Street, Room: Jade

09.00 – 10.00

The relation between NGOs and their constituencies

Moderator: Octavian Rusu , CSDF

•  Octavian Rusu, Development Department Coordinator, CSDF

•  Mona Gotteszman, Community Impact Manager, United Way Romania, “Involvement in the transformation of Romanian communities”

•  Eduard Petrescu, Executiv director, Principesa Margareta a Romaniei Foundation – “The role of the civil society for the community development”

10.00-11.00 NGO relation with political stakeholders - How to get your message to the political parties –part I

•  Jiri Kratky, Director Pardubice Region NGO Coalition (Czech Republic) "Building of relationships with politics on the municipal and regional level"

•  Alessia Maso, ECO Culture e viaggi societa cooperativa, Sicilia - “Organized civil society in Sicily: an experience of creating a participated political programme. "Cantieri Sociali" in the field of tourism. How responsible tourism has to be involved in the political agenda.”

•  Ana-Maria Mosneagu, Executive Director, Pro Democracy Association – “Uninominal voting proposal - Citezens will vs. Political interests”

11.00 – 11.15: Coffee break

11.15 – 12.30 NGO relation with political stakeholders - How to get your message to the political parties –part II

•  Sinziana Olteanu, Program Director, The Resource Center for Public Participation “Citizens, NGOs, Public Authorities – from the grate expectations to the death dialogue”

•  Oliver Henman, National Council for Voluntary Organisations, U.K.

•  Stefania Campisi, Le Onde Onlus – “Local anti violence network from Palermo:a potential framework for the dialogue and inter-institutional confrontation”

•  Violeta Alexandru, Director Institute for Public Policies, “The citizens candidate, a critical civic exercise for the political parties”

Session of questions and answers

12.30 – 13.30: Lunch break

13.30 – 15.00 NGO relation with political stakeholders - NGO formal dialogue with Government and Parliament (social contracts, Compacts, Charters)

Moderator: Simona Constantinescu, Program Director CSDF

•  Oliver Henman, European and International Manager, National Council for Voluntary Organisations (U.K.), “ Civil society and participation in democracy; frameworks for dialogue”

•  Jonny Currie, Policy Development Officer, Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary (NICVA), “Towards effective, evidence-based policy development in Northern Ireland”

•  Jiri Kratky, Director Pardubice Region NGO Coalition

•  Octavian Rusu, Development Department Coordinator, Civil Society Development Foundation (CSDF)

•  Alessia Maso, ECO Culture e viaggi societa cooperativa, Sicilia

15.00 – 15.15: Coffee break

15.45 – 17.00 Development of greater dialogue with the EU institutions, emerging forms of involvement at the European level

•  Roxana Morea, European Comission – Representation in Romania “Reducing the democratic deficit and raising the European citizens involvement in the decisional process at the EU level”

•  Elena Montani, European Comission – Representation in Italy, "The EU and civil society: ways of building a democratic Europe together"

•  Ionut Sibian, Executive Director, Civil Society Development Foundation , Economic and Social European Committee – The voice of civil society

•  Ruggero Del Vecchio, President House of Europe Palermo, “EU Budget Reform: new opportunities for European social and cohesion policies?”

•  Oliver Henman, National Council for Voluntary Organisations, U.K.

Session of questions and answers

11 th April:

09.00 – 12.00
CSDF Office: Discussions on the final document

12.00 – 13.30: Lunch break

14.30 Study visit:
Chance for Life Foundation is a nongovernmental organization that supports the individual, educational, emotional and social development of children and teenagers who are in risk of social exclusion. (
We will see a social theatre activity organized by Chance for Life Foundation at the “Ion Luca Caragiale High School” within the Project “Social theatre – audience for non-discrimination” financed by Vodafone Foundation.
The name of the play is “We already have it, how much does it cost to keep it?” and speak about the ecological education. The actors are: 3 children beneficiaries of the project “The Chance for Life Scolarship, 4 Voluntiers of Chance for Life Foundation and 1 Joker (Iuliana Dinu – Project coordinator).

The organised civil society: role and tasks in a enlarged European Union

New programme 2007-2013 : Europe for citizens- Action 2.3 - Call for Proposal Active Civil Society in Europe- Support for projects initiated by civil society organisations

Villa Malfitano, Palermo 28-30 November 2007

Draft programme of the event

28 th November:
Arrival of participants

4 pm – Press Conference
4.45 pm - Welcome of local authorities

On. Gianfranco Micciché – Presidente Assemblea Regionale Siciliana
On. Salvatore Cuffaro - Presidente della Regione Siciliana
On. Nicola Leanza - Vicepresidente della Regione Siciliana – Assessore BBCCAA
Dott.ssa Patrizia Monterosso - Dirigente Generale Dipartimento Regionale Pubblica Istruzione

5.30 pm Presentation of participant organisations

Civil Society Development Foundation – CSDF-Romania
Ochtnicze Hufce Pracy – OHP – Poland
Liberecká obcanská spolecnost – LOS – CZ Rep
Comité Européen des Associations d'Interet Géneral – CEDAG – Bruxelles
Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action – NICVA- Northern Ireland - UK
FOCUS - Omagh Community Support Forum - Northern Ireland – UK
LatitudeZero/Planeta Sul CRL - Portugal
LeOnde Unione Donne Italiane – Italy
EUROPAZENTRUM GRAZ– Maison d'Europe – Austria
Casa d'Europa di Palermo, Enna, Catania, Siracusa - Italy
Euromed Carrefour Sicilia -Italy

29 th November:

An active citizenship in Europe: the Organised Civil Society in the European countries and its role to shape a more mature citizenship.

9.30 am – 1 pm

Civil Society in Northern Ireland: Going where Governments can't go. Lisa McElherron – NICVA
The added value of the communitarian projects for the actions in favour of women and children victims of violence. Stefania Campisi - LeOnde Onlus Unione Donne Italiane
Sustainable tourism in the European countries: a tool of development creating a civil society network. Alessia Maso - ECO. Culture e viaggi
Free migration between member states. Octavian Rusu - Civil Society Development Foundation - CSDF

1 pm – 2.30 pm
Lunch break

2.30 pm - 5 pm
Role of Civil Society in times of crisis. Conor McGale – FOCUS
Vodafone Scholarship Project in the town of Sulina. Iuliana Dinu - Chance for Life Foundation

30 th November:

How can the OCS contribute to the integration process of Europe. Communication between the OCS and the EU institutions.

9.30 am – 1 pm
European Commission and civil society: a collaboration in construction. Elena Montani Responsible for Civil Society - European Commission - Representation in Italy

Can the OCS play a role in the establishment of a more effective communication between the EU institutions and the European Citizens?
Project Missing Link.
Oliver Henman - CEDAG

Communication between national NGO's and UE institutions – rather a statement than a reality.
Viorelia Ciuciur , Octavian Rusu - Civil Society Development Foundation – CSDF

1 pm – 2.30 pm
Lunch break

2.30 pm - 5 pm


  • What has the EU ever done for me? Lisa McElherron – NICVA
  • Presentation of EU financed products - Stefania Campisi - LeOnde Onlus Unione Donne Italiane
  • Fighting prejudism. Jindrich Merunka, Liberecká obcanská spolecnost – LOS

1 st December:

9 am – 5 pm
Study visit to the Social Cooperative Placido Rizzotto, Portella della Ginestra. This cooperative works to promote legality and active citizenship in an area strongly controlled by the mafia.
During the day participants will see concrete examples of the cooperative activities and will be able to meet local social actors involved in the development process of the area.