
Inspired by the power of social networks in the beginning of this decade, we decided to put in action a fresh idea: the implementation of a digital referendum dealing youth problematic.

Partner of the project are two nongovernmental-nonprofit organization, Euromed Carrefour Sicilia for Italy and Youthrama for Greece, together with two Municipality, Castelbuono in Italy and Hortiatis-Pylaia in Greece. The project is a bilateral cooperation between Italy and Greece.

Aim of the project is to make youngsters aware of democratic values, European citizenship and decision making procedures. The project was implemented through different steps and kind of activities, in each country and all together during the meeting in Italy. Both group of youngsters, in Italy and Greece, worked on the digital referendum, involving other 100 youngsters, to find common topics and problems to discuss with the decision makers; they also prepared presentations of their country, dances and songs of their tradition to show each other something of their own cultures.

During the meeting in Castelbuono the youngsters learned to know each other, stay together, play to build their idea of European Citizenship, discussing about social matters like adults. They met the Mayor of Castelbuono and talked to him about the topic emerged from the referendum, asking for his opinion.

All the youngsters involved in the project learned new things and had new friends, they had experience of intercultural dimension in a European project, becoming aware of all the opportunities from European Union for all the young people.



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